Relocation Information

Relocation Resources

Columbia is a great place to live for many reasons. It has an excellent school system, state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, entertainment opportunities, nationally known festivals, low cost of living, and much more. Whatever your reason for considering our city for relocation, we’re sure you will find what you are looking for in Columbia.

Contact Us For More Relocation Information

Housing Information

Columbia’s real estate market offers a wide range of prices for places you can be proud to call home. Everything from apartments and condos, locations on the 18th hole to downtown, to farmland and traditional family neighborhoods are available to fit your lifestyle and budget.

Constant growth, due to a diversified economy, makes residential property a sound and economical investment in Columbia. ACCRA Cost of Living Index data shows a trend of housing expenditures which are 15-30 percent below the national average.

With the area’s consistent lower cost of living, it takes less income to maintain a comfortable lifestyle compared to other areas of the country. Columbia’s existing median home price is $199,000 while the national median price is $255,000.

For more infortmation about housing in Columbia, please contact the Columbia Chamber of Commerce or the Columbia Board of Realtors.

These realtors can help you find your next home in Columbia.

Realtors In Columbia

If you are a realtor or real estate agent and would like to be listed on this page, please contact Columbia Chamber of Commerce.

Columbia Chamber
of Commerce

 (573) 874-1132

300 S Providence Rd
Columbia, MO 65203

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